
Showing posts from November, 2020

Five Spoons: The Birth of a Project

This is a new and creative project called "Five Spoons" about the women who were sentenced to "transportation" for one of 19 crimes in England.  They were sent by ship to the penal colony in Australia.  This project was inspired by 19crimes wine, and is a focus on the women who were sent to Australia for minor crimes like stealing spoons.  Each blog post will feature one of the women and her crime and her fate.   I am not a wine drinker, but I love Snoop Dog's concept, and here is a link to the wine .  I got so interested in the histories that I bought a bottle so I could learn more.   The hope is to build short stories and/or a monologue play off of the histories of the women in time for Women's History Month celebrated in the US in March.  For me, this has been a fun blue blaze and rabbit hole during the pandemic...realizing that you could literally die for stealing five spoons from a hotel.  Life has been worse for others. I will gather the list of women